What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress is the distortion of geo-electromagnetic energies in the earths field from underground water courses, mineral deposits, faults and underground caves. The negative energies from these faults can travel up through the earth and effect your property and the health of the people living or working above them. The problems only arise when people are working or living for long periods of time in this energy.
How does this affect us?
Geopathic Stress does not cause illness however it can weaken the immune system which prevents the body from fighting infection and from healing itself, making the body more susceptible to serious illness particularly Cancer. Sleeping on an area where two leylines of negative energy cross can cause broken sleep, nightmares restless sleep and you will notice yourself more exhausted after the sleep instead of refreshed. This happens because the adrenal gland works harder all night to try and compensate for the effects of the distorted energy on your body. All of this prevents the brain from relaxing fully into a deep sleep where the body can repair its self, causing an energy imbalance and leading to long term illness.
How can you tell if you have a Geopathic Stress problem?

There are some physical indicators in your property such as gaps in hedges, twisted tree growth, fruit trees that don’t grow fruit, patches in lawns cracks etc., some animals such as cats, owls, snail’s insects, ants, wasps and bees gravitate to these areas. Most other animals can feel this and will not lie in these areas. Historically a farmer would have watched where cattle or horses would lie in the field and know that these areas were safe to build on top of. Children can be very sensitive and if you notice that the orientation of your child is different than the way they were tucked in then it might well be a geopathic stress point.
These are some of the symptoms from people affected by Geopathic stress:
- Behavioural problems e.g. aggression, hyperactivity.
- Emotional instability
- Sleeping disorders
- Not responding to medical treatment
- Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
- Disorientation
- Depression, Stress and nervousness
- Lack of concentration
- Nausea
- Asthma and Allergies
- Infertility and cot deaths
- Back problems
- Aches and pains e.g. headaches
- Cancer, ME and MS.
It has been scientifically proven that Geopathic stress can affect our health and our bodies.
You may research this yourself by searching for the following people:
- Dr. Hans Nieper, world renowned cancer and MS specialist.
- Dr. E Hartman MD , research carried out in the 1950’s.
- Dr Gustav Freiherr Von Pohl, Berlin.
The important thing to remember is that this can be cleared Shamanically through ceremony by Yhani healing.